
Life and xlog

Since I entered college, I feel like I have lost motivation in life. I go through each day without any purpose, and I wonder if others feel the same way.

Looking back at the past two years, I realize that my attention has been drawn to various things, without a specific goal in mind.

I used to frequently update my social media, but it has been over a year since I last posted on my moments or space. I can't help but wonder if I am gradually losing my passion for life.

In fact, up to now, I feel like there's nothing interesting to share on social media. In the past, I would only post about achievements that made me happy or new things I bought.

But then again, do I really need these things to post? Are there no other things worth sharing?

I want to tell myself that even living a boring life is worth sharing!

This is why I am considering transitioning to xlog. Previously, on my personal blog, there was no interaction or feedback, which made me feel empty.

The xlog community allows me to connect with different people, and I am grateful to xlog for introducing me to @niracle.

So, let's post on xlog.

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